Spada Indonesia
Indonesia Cyber Education Institute has partnered with Spada Indonesia to offer you high-quality learning opportunities from the world's best institutions and universitiesHukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Melalui Mata Kuliah Hukum dan HAM ini mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menganalisa permasalahan-permasalahan penegakan Hak Asasi Manusia berdasarkan teori maupun berdasarkan intrumen hukum HAM dalam lingkup nasional maupun internasional. Mahasiswa akan mengkaji dan mendiskusikan prinsip-prinsip, ruang lingkup dan instrument hukum HAM nasional maupun internasional melalui case method. Assesment akan
Komunikasi Antar Pribadi
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Mata kuliah Komunikasi Antarpribadi merupakan salah satu kajian dalam ilmu komunikasi yang membahas tentang : Konsep dasar komunikasi antarpribadi (pengertian KAP; Kebudayaan dalam komunikasi antarpribadi ; persepsi dan diri dalam komunikasi antarpribadi. Keahlian komunikasi antarpribadi (pesan verbal dan percakapan ; pesan nonverbal dan mendengarkan) Dinamika hubungan komunikasi Antarpribadi
Hukum Adat
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Mata Kuliah Hukum Adat mempunyai bobot dua sks yang memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan yang luas tentang materi hukum adat beserta aspek-aspeknya dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang pengantar dan dasar yuridis berlakunya hukum adat; hukum adat sebagai aspek kebudayaan yang didalamnya dibahas sejarah perkembangan
Sistem Sosial Budaya Indonesia
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Sistem Sosial Budaya Indonesia berisi bahasan tentang konsep dan fenomena sistem sosial dan kebudayaan yang ada di Indonesia dari berbagai sudut pandang para ahli. Pokok bahasan yang dibahas antara lain pengertian dan ruang lingkup sistem sosial budaya, pluralisme, etnisitas dalam masyarakat Indonesia, sistem kepercayaan, hubungan antarkelompok di Indonesia,
Kosmetika Bahan Alam
Deskripsi Mata kuliah ini merupakan mata kuliah wajib untuk mahasiswa Tata Rias sehingga mahasiswa dapat memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang pengertian kosmetika dan manfaat kosmetika bahan alam, antioksidan alami dan radikal bebas, uji sediaan kosmetika, keamanan kosmetika, kosmetika pemutih, anti penuaan, bahan pewarna kosmetik dari bahan alam, ruang lingkup kosmetika termasuk
Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Mata kuliah ini akan membekali mahasiswa dengan kemampuan melakukan analisis terhadap sistem pengendalian manajemen yang dibuat dan dilaksanakan oleh suatu organisasi bisnis maupun non bisnis. Mahasisiswa akan mengkaji konses dasar dan proses perumusan strategi dan penganggaran perusaaan, pengukuran kinerja dan proses pengendalian dalm setiap fungsi perusahaan serta isu-isu
Image Processing (Pengolahan Citra)
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Mata kuliah bertujuan supaya mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman tentang konsep-konsep image processing dan implementasinya dalam bidang Informatika. Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang konsep dasar citra, konversi citra, peningkatan kualitas (enhancement) citra, transformasi citra, perbaikan (restoration) citra, tranformasi fourier, operasi biner pada citra, kompresi citra, morfologi, segmentation citra, analisis citra,
Ceramic Spoken English
About This Course This course consists of three chapters. Students will get to know ceramics, famous porcelain types in Jingdezhen and the local culture in Jingdezhen. In every episode, there will be a different topic, with useful expressions and dialogues students might use for spoken English. The course will be presented
Bridge Engineering
Doctoral degree and a second level professor's doctoral supervisor. Engaged in teaching and research in interdisciplinary fields such as mechanics and civil engineering, and has been conducting research on disaster prevention and reduction in infrastructure engineering for a long time. In the past 5 years, I have mainly been engaged in
China's Foreign Economic and Trade Policy
About This Course The main purpose of this course is to help students to have an objective and in-depth understanding of China's foreign economic policies. This course has three major features: (1) Systematic. This course systematically and objectively expounds China's foreign economic policies from the aspects of China's opening-up strategy, foreign
Crystal Optics
Artificial Intelligence
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Teknologi kecerdasan buatan atau istilah lainnya AI (Artificial Intelligence) saat ini sudah banyak digunakan dan diterapkan di berbagai bidang kehidupan. Bahkan AI bisa kita jumpai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, seperti asisten virtual Google dan Siri contohnya. Kecerdasan buatan memang bukan hal yang baru, namun perkembangannya selalu menjadi sesuatu yang
Calculus I
About This Course The purpose of this course is to enable students to master the basic concepts, theories and operations of one variable calculus. By the study of this course, in theory, students can master the basic definition, basic theory and basic operation skills of one variable calculus. At the same
Basic Principles of Steel Structures
About This Course 'Basic Principles of Steel Structures' is a basic professional course in civil engineering. The steel structure is one of the basic structural forms of modern civil engineering and widely uses in building construction, bridges, tower masts, offshore platforms, gas tanks, and oil tanks. This course bases on the
Approaching Nobel Prize in Chemistry
About This Course "Approaching the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (bilingual course)" is now On-line at the "China University MOOC" and the "Learning Power" learning platform of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee. There are 20 episodes of online teaching videos. Twenty-one Nobel Prize winners are selected. This course introduces
Combinatorics and Algorithms Design
About This Course This course covers topics in Combinatorics and Algorithms Design. We comprehensively discuss basic concepts, theories, methods, and instances in Combinatorics while focusing on concepts and ideas. Selected topics include: the Pigeonhole Principle, counting, combinations, Polya counting, recurrence relations and generating functions, graph, and linear programming etc. We also
Exploring Psychology's Core Concepts | 走进心理学
About This Course This course provides an introduction to the basic concepts that form the foundation of the field of psychology. Topics include history of psychology, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning and memory, and life-span development. Class lectures emphasize an empirical approach to a scientific understanding of
Just Reading and Writing in English | 生活英语读写
About This Course Reading enriches our life and writing enables us to express our thoughts. Being skillful in reading and writing allows you to better acquire and communicate information. This course focuses on 8 themes: learning university culture city education behavior theory communication meaning of life For each theme, there are
Applications of Calculus I
About This Course Calculus is one of the greatest achievements of human thought, explaining everything from relative theory to the optimal profits. This course covers the applications of core ideas of single variable Calculus and historical motivation for calculus. The course is ideal for students beginning in the engineering, computer science,
Tsinghua Chinese: Start Talking with 1.3 Billion People
About This Course This introductory Chinese language course will emphasize basic language skills for everyday life in Mandarin speaking countries. The course utilizes pinyin, the standard system of Romanized spelling for transliterating Chinese, so learners will find it easy to understand and study the language. The course is composed of several