Spada Indonesia

Indonesia Cyber Education Institute has partnered with Spada Indonesia to offer you high-quality learning opportunities from the world's best institutions and universities

The Creation and Growth of Technology Enterprises

About This Course Based on China’s most promising cutting-edge technology and business innovation, the course offers new insights, new discussions and new perspectives on the commercialization of new technologies as well as key elements of the creation and growth of technological enterprises. The course is organized based on five important aspects

University English for Academic Purposes

About This Course For university students, this course will help you master the essential language to join in academic communications. The eight topics will prepare you for understand and share your ideas in English for academic purposes. The eight topics are life sciences, art, society, engineering, psychology, economics, management, and architecture.

The Compositions and Conducts of Experimental Ink Art

Hua Jun: China Academy of Art - Vice President of the School of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art 1985.09 - 1989.07 Attended Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts Secondary School (Secondary School) 1990.09 - 1994.07 Studied at the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Chinese Painting, majoring in figure (undergraduate) 1997.08

Introduction to New Structural Resource and Environmental Economics

About This Course Introduction to new structural resource and environmental economics is a common curriculum for literature, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, art and other majors. The course aims to popularize the basic knowledge of new structure resources and environment through classroom teaching and curriculum resource utilization. Describe the policies and measures


About This Courselves The course aims to cultivate students' clinical thinking by focusing on the basic pathology in the general introduction of surgery and common and frequently-occurring diseases in specific discussions, discussing typical cases, and integrating theory teaching with clinic practice. Teachers are assigned to give students advice on each knowledge

Taiji Starts From Scratch

About This Course Tai Chi is a sport beneficial to physical and mental health. It contains Chinese traditional philosophy, religion, medicine, military art, health preservation and art and its profound thoughts, which is the ideological source of tai Chi development.It has absorbed the traditional Chinese health preservation techniques, "guidance" and "inhalation",

Historic Building Protection Design

About This Course The course "Historic Building Protection Design" is a comprehensive course set up by the architecture major to deal with the increasingly severe problems of architectural and cultural heritage protection in the world. It consists of theoretical knowledge and design practice. The first four chapters mainly focus on theoretical

Basis and Frontier in Medical Molecular Biology

About This Course Medical molecular biology is a science that studies the life activities and corresponding principles of the human body and disease-related organisms in normal and disease states from the molecular level. The scientific aims of the studies are for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases with the

Soil Mechanics

About This Course Every man-made structure is constructed on or within soils. Correct knowledge of soil behavior is fundamentally important for safeguarding the integrity and safety of the structure. The objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts and fundamental principles of soil mechanics and provide analytical methods for

Promotion Management

Deskripsi Metode-metode promosi yang digunakan sebagai strategi pemasaran secara komprehensif, dan mengintegrasikannya dengan Marketing Mix yang meliputi Produk, Harga, dan Distribusi. Mata kuliah ini juga akan membahas mengenai perencanaan manajemen dan teknik komunikasi yang efektif kepada konsumen. Capaian Pembelajaran Setelah mengikuti mata kuliah ini, mahasiswa semester enam akan mampu berfikir logis

Teaching with Technology

About the Course Mata kuliah ini akan membekali peserta dengan pengetahuan dasar tentang pemanfaatan teknologi dalam pembelajaran secara teoritis dan praktis. Peserta akan bereksplorasi dan membahas topik-topik utama dalam pembelajaran berbasis teknologi yang meliputi, prinsip prinsip dasar Digital Pedagogy dan Student-Led Learning, teknologi untuk mengawali pembelajaran, teknologi untuk menciptakan kegiatan pembelajaran

Game Project Management - Serious Game

Game Project Management bertujuan untuk menyiapkan peserta pelatihan agar mampu melakukan analisis terhadap market game, manajemen proyek dan menentukan arah pengembangan game untuk Entertainment Game, atau Serious Game dan mengelola proyek game bisnis perusahaan. Game Project Management - Serious Game Game Project Management: Serious game merupakan mata kuliah yang mengenalkan mahasiswa

Game Designer - Game Mechanic

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Mata kuliah Game Mechanic ini bertujuan untuk melatih peserta agar dapat memahami konsep fundamental pengembangan game mechanic yang diimplementasikan ke dalam bentuk Game Design Document (GDD) dan Animasi Prototipe Game Mechanic. Peserta yang mengikuti mata kuliah ini diharapkan memiliki dasar analisis dan literasi bahasa. Materi yang diajarkan dalam

Enterprise Architecture

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Enterprise Architecture (EA) merupakan disiplin ilmu yang: mendefinisikan, mengatur, menstandarisasi, dan mendokumentasikan seluruh arsitektur dan semua elemen penting dari organisasi masing-masing, yang mencakup domain yang relevan seperti bisnis, digital, fisik, atau organisasi; serta hubungan dan interaksi antara elemen yang termasuk dalam domain tersebut, seperti proses, fungsi, aplikasi, peristiwa,

Pengantar PPN & PPnBM

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Setelah mengikuti mata ajar ini, mahasiswa akan mengetahui apa dan bagaimana konsep pengenaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai dan Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah di Indonesia sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Bobot SKS : 2 Jenjang : Diploma Catatan Peserta : Mengikuti pelatihan sesuai jadwal yang telah ditetapkan. Capaian

Dasar Kesehatan Lingkungan (Basics of Environmental Health)

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Dasar Kesehatan Lingkungan adalah mata kuliah yang mempelajari prinsip dan ruang lingkup kesehatan lingkungan, agen atau hazard lingkungan, media transmisi, dan mekanisme pajanan pada manusia serta mempelajari isu-isu kesehatan lingkungan pada area tertentu, seperti pertanian, industri, dan lainnya baik pada level global, regional, maupun lokal. Melalui perkuliahan Dasar

Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer A

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Mata kuliah Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer merupakan materi fundamental di Informatika. Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer merupakan mata kuliah yang mengajarkan mahasiswa tentang bagaimana Interaksi Manusia Komputer serta perannya dalam mewujudkan perangkat lunak yang tepat dan bermanfaat bagi user-nya. Dalam mata kuliah ini juga disampaikan tentang tahap-tahap dalam proses

Intercultural Communication

About This Course As a general education courses of college English, the purpose of this course is to cultivate students' intercultural communication consciousness, help students understand the differences between Chinese and western culture, students will learn to use intercultural communication theory to analyze the cases. The goal is to build scaffolding

Komunikasi Bisnis dan Negosiasi

About This Course Mata kuliah Komunikasi Bisnis dan Negosiasi membekali mahasiswa dengan pelbagai kegiatan terkait tujuan komunikasi di dalam dunia kerja, baik formal maupun informal. Di dalam mata kuliah ini akan dipelajari berbagai bentuk komunikasi lisan dan tulis, seperti melakukan presentasi, bernegosiasi, berkorespondensi, menulis CV, dan interviu. Tepat sekali bagi mahasiswa

Game 2D Asset

About This Course Tujuan dari matakuliah ini adalah menyiapkan peserta untuk mampu membuat aset permainan digital berbasis 2D. Aset berupa objek latar dan objek-objek lainnya. Requirements Software: Adobe Animate (Produksi), Adobe Photoshop (Produksi), Unity 2019 or later (Testing) Hardware: CPU 2Ghz or Higher, RAM 8Gb or Higher, SSD Course Staff Agus