Spada Indonesia

Indonesia Cyber Education Institute has partnered with Spada Indonesia to offer you high-quality learning opportunities from the world's best institutions and universities

Instructional Game Design

SELAMAT DATANG DI COURSE INSTRUCTIONAL GAME DESIGN Course Instructional Game Design adalah course daring yang ditujukan bagi para mahasiswa atau mereka yang berprofesi sebagai seorang game designer atau instructional designer yang memiliki passion dalam mendesain dan merancang game untuk Edukasi (Educational Game). Pada course ini, mahasiswa akan dibekali dengan pengetahuan dasar

Basics of Game Programming

About This Course This course is a required course for the major of game design. After learning this course, in addition to the direct development of two-dimensional games, it will also lay the foundation for the following courses such as "Game Engine Principle and Application", "Game Creation". This course introduces C

Calculus II

About This Course The purpose of this course is to enable students to master the basic concepts, theories and operations of multi-variable calculus. By the study of this course, in mathematical theory, students can master the basic definition, basic theory and basic operation skills of multi-variable calculus. At the same time,

International Marketing

About This Course This course, International Marketing, will direct people towards the global market by analyzing global product developing strategies, branding strategies, international consumers, international customer relationships and the new media management strategies, as it is essential for people to get the basic grip of the new market we are in

Science Communication

About This Course The science community produces a vast amount of data and discoveries at a rapid speed. To promote a more engaging role for science in the public eye, scientists need to discuss complex scientific findings in a clear, concise manner with members of the public. More often, students as

Game Project Management - Serious Game

Tentang Mata Kuliah 1. Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Game Project Management bertujuan untuk menyiapkan peserta pelatihan agar mampu melakukan analisis terhadap market game, manajemen proyek, dan menentukan arah pengembangan game untuk Entertainment Game, atau Serious Game dan mengelola proyek game bisnis perusahaan. 2. Capaian Mata Kuliah Melakukan Analisis Dan Evaluasi Trend, Tol,